Romans 8

(There's no condemnation.)

[Verse 1]
Therefore, there is now no
condemnation for those
in Christ Jesus, because
the law of the Spirit
of life in Christ Jesus
has set you free from the
law of sin and of death.

(We're free from sin and death.)

[Verse 2]
For what the law could not
do since it was weakened
by the flesh, God did. He
condemned sin in the flesh
by sending his own Son
in the likeness of sin;
like sinful flesh He came.

(Christ came to condemn sin.)

[Verse 3]
As a sin offering
He came, so that the law's
requirement would be
fulfilled in us who do
not walk according to
the flesh but according
to the Spirit (we walk).

(We walk by the Spirit.)

[Verse 4]
For those who live by the
flesh (in the flesh), they have
their minds set on the things
of the flesh, but those who
live according to the
Spirit have their minds set
on things of the Spirit.

(Our minds are set on Christ.)

[Verse 5]
Now the mindset of the
flesh, it is death, but the
mindset of the Spirit
is life and peace. The mind
set on the flesh is hos-
tile to God because
(no) it does not submit.

(The Spirit brings life and peace.)

[Verse 6]
The fleshly mind does not
submit to God's law — it's
unable. Those who are
in the flesh cannot please
God. You, however, are
not in the flesh, but in
the Spirit (if you are).

(We are in the Spirit.)

[Verse 7]
You are in the Spirit,
if God's Spirit lives in
you. Anyone who does
not have the Spirit of
Christ, he does not belong
to Him. You are in the
Spirit if He's in you.

(We belong to Jesus.)

[Verse 8]
Now if Christ is in you,
the body is dead due
to sin, but the Spirit,
because of righteousness,
gives life. If He who raised
Christ lives in you, He will
bring your bodies to life.

(He will raise our bodies.)

[Verse 9]
If the Spirit of him
who raised Jesus from the
dead lives in you, then he
who raised Christ from the dead
will also bring life to
your mortal bodies through
his Spirit, who's in you.

(The Spirit is in us.)

[Verse 10]
So, Brothers and Sisters,
we're not obligated
to the flesh to live in
accordance with the flesh,
because if you live in
the flesh, you are going
to die (you'll surely die).

(We don't live by the flesh.)

[Verse 11]
But if by the Spirit
you put to death the deeds
of the body, you will
live. For all led by God's
Spirit are God's sons. For
you did not receive a
spirit of slavery.

(We are children of God.)

[Verse 12]
For you did not receive
a slavery spirit
to fall back into fear.
No, instead, you received
the Spirit of holy
adoption, by whom we
cry out, “Abba, Father!”

(We cry, “Abba, Father!”)

[Verse 13]
The Spirit himself, He
testifies, along with
our spirit that we are
God's children, and if so,
also heirs — heirs of God,
and coheirs with Christ — if
we suffer with Jesus.

(We are coheirs with Christ.)

[Verse 14]
We are coheirs with Christ
if we suffer, suffer
with Him so that we may
also be glorified
with Him. For I reckon
the current sufferings
are not worth comparing.

(We will be glorified.)

[Verse 15]
The current sufferings
are not worth comparing
with the glory that is
going to be revealed
to us. For creation
waits in eager, patient
anticipation (hope).

(Creation is waiting.)

[Verse 16]
With anticipation
And eagerness, nature
waits for God's sons to be
revealed. Creation
was subjected to be
futile — not by its
will: He subjected it.

(Nature was subjected.)

[Verse 17]
Creation was made to
be futile because
of him who subjected
it — in the hope that the
creation itself will
also be set free from
the bondage to its decay.

(It'll be free from decay.)

[Verse 18]
And in the hope that it
will enter into the
glorious freedom of
God's children. For we know
that the whole creation
has been groaning with pains
of labour until now.

(Creation is groaning.)

[Verse 19]
Not just that, but we who
have the Spirit as the
first fruits — we also groan
inside, and eagerly
wait for our adoption,
our bodies' redemption.

(Waiting for adoption.)

[Verse 20]
Now in this hope we were
saved, but hope that is seen
is not hope, because who
hopes for what he sees? Now
if we hope for what we
don't see, we wait for it,
eagerly, patiently.

(We wait with eager hope.)

[Verse 21]
Likewise, the Spirit helps
us in our weakness, as
we don't know what to pray
for as we should, but the
Spirit intercedes for
us with ineffable
groanings (He groans for us).

(The Spirit intercedes.)

[Verse 22]
And he who searches our
hearts knows the mind of the
Spirit, because He gives
intercession for the
saints according to the
will of God. (The Spirit
intercedes for the saints).

(Intercedes for the saints.)

[Verse 23]
We know that all things work
together for the good
of those who love God, who
are called according to
His purpose. For those he
foreknew he also did
predestine to conform.

(All things work together.)

[Verse 24]
He predestined them to
conform to the image
of his Son, so that He
would be the firstborn of
many brothers, sisters.
And those he predestined,
those, He also did call.

(He called us to conform.)

[Verse 25]
And those He called, also
He justified; and those
He justified, also
He glorified. What, then,
are we to say about
these things? If God is for
us, who is against us?

(God is for His children.)

[Verse 26]
He did not even spare
His own Son but gave Him
up for us all. How will
He not also with Him
grant us everything?
(For our sake, He did not
even spare His own Son)

(He did not spare His Son.)

[Verse 27]
Who can accuse those whom
God has elected? God
is the one who makes us
right. Who is the one who
condemns? Christ Jesus is
the one who died, indeed,
He's been raised to God's side.

(Jesus is at God's side.)

[Verse 28]
Christ has been raised; also
He is at the right hand
of God and intercedes
for us. So then, who can
separate us from the
love of Christ? Or what can
separate us from Him?

(What can separate us?)

[Verse 29]
Can affliction, distress,
persecution, famine,
nakedness, danger or
sword? As it is written:
Because of you we are
put to death all the day;
counted as sheep to slay.

(As sheep to be slaughtered.)

[Verse 30]
No, in all these things we
are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us. For
I am persuaded that
nothing can separate
us from the love of God.

(We're more than conquerors.)

[Verse 31]
For I am persuaded
that neither death nor life,
angels nor rulers, things
now nor things to come, no
powers, no height or depth,
no created thing can
separate us from the
love of God in Jesus.

(Nothing can separate.)

(He did not spare His Son.)

Simplicity's Virtue

by Warwick Allen
Tuesday, 3 December 2024

never thought I could
never thought I would
'o no no no n' no no no
it's not what you said
just some old bones
rattling in my head

so I journey
never through the heart
can't you see
that is where
the trouble starts

got out of control
got to take a hold
'o so so so s' so so so
just ashes and dust
trying on my own
thought that I must

so I wander
never through the heart
stop and ponder
that is where
the trouble starts

got to reach you
got to run from you
got to reach you
tearing me in two

simplicity's virtue
such I teach you
'ou you you you y' you you you
it's all I got
but it's a lot

so I travel (got to reach you)
never through the heart (got to run from you)
can't you tell
that is where
the trouble starts (tearing me in two)


(link to recording)

The Dimly-Lit Path

by Warwick Allen
Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Eggshells narrowly escape
feet awkwardly crash between
And the load shouldered
precious, fragile, teetering

New terrain, strangely familiar
strange turns
through pit holes and trenches
gradually climbing

A torch for the feet
a necessary comfort
The direction unknown
just press on up

The terrain is rugged
But the load shouldered
precious, fragile, balanced
Is not shouldered alone

The Minstrel of Summer

by Warwick Allen
Saturday, 3 March 2018

How wonderful to listen
To that minstrel of summer
What sweeter sound to bask in
Than the song of the cicada?

Never-failing evangelist
Faithful herald of the sun
“Foul weather is banquished”
Announces cicada's hum

Don't go quiet on me
Keep singing little friend
Keep humming in your tree
Don't let the summer end

Ruru's First Call

by Warwick Allen
Tuesday, 30 July 2017

Ruru wakens
Heart hastens
Is it really
No, can't be
That time again?

Day's been
Done somethin'
Much not done
Racing the sun
The sun won

Race fail
But my battle
—Important one
It is won
When I say "yes"
When I ask
"Did I love?"

Dead Faith, Breathe

by Warwick Allen
Wednesday, 7 June 2017

You've no qualm
Recite your psalm
On the corner
Don't ignore her
She's hurting
You look

Words cavernous
Now disastrous
She will hear
You don't care
She's hurting
You ask

Form of hate
You say grace
See her face
She's hurting
You know

... breathe ...

Words substantial
Being filled
In the doing
Lives combining
She's waiting
For you

To be Me

by Warwick Allen
Friday, 12 August 2016

white whiskers
of my folly

muscles strained
well trained
of my weakness

learned brain
my ignorance

a beast without Your mind
a babe without Your strength
a fool without Your word

I need You
                if I am
                            to be me